Tag: hillary clinton (page 28)
Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are on 60 Minutes tonight.
If you watched, tell us what you thought. Was the coverage even? Did it change your mind or add to your conviction as to which candidate to support?
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ABC News reports Hillary Clinton went to John Edwards' home in North Carolina on Thursday to ask for his support. Barack Obama is scheduled to meet with him tomorrow.
Who will Edwards endorse if anyone? He seemed more aligned with Obama when he was in the campaign, but that was mostly on lobbyists. On poverty and health care, which were his main issues, I think Hillary is closer to him.
What could each offer John Edwards if elected to sweeten the pot? I doubt he wants to be Attorney General -- maybe Hillary can offer to let him be in charge of tweaking and getting universal health care through Congress. A health care czar?
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Patti Solis Doyle has stepped down as Hillary Clinton's campaign manager. She will remain as a senior campaign advisor. The new campaign manager is Maggie Williams:
In a note she sent to her staff, Solis Doyle announced that this week Maggie Williams, Clinton's chief of staff when she was first lady, "will begin to assume the duties of campaign manager." Solis Doyle said she would remain as a senior adviser to the campaign.
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The question for this question is to be answered on the basis of this passage:
Dear Mr. Capus,Thank you for your call yesterday. I wanted to send you this note to convey the depth of my feeling about David Shuster's comments.
I know that I am a public figure and that my daughter is playing a public role in my campaign. I am accustomed to criticism, certainly from MSNBC. I know that it goes with the territory.
However, I became Chelsea's mother long before I ran for any office and I will always be a mom first and a public official second.
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Here's a thread for the speeches delivered by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama at tonight's Virginia Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner. (Earlier thread on this here.)
Here is an AP summary of Hillary's speech.
Obama's speech sounds very similar -- almost a replica -- of this one he gave in Denver last week.
Update: 8:53 pm ET: There's your JFK references I predicted earlier, Ted Sorenson at work -- two in one parapgraph.
We’re the party of a man who overcame his own disability to tell us that the only thing we had to fear was fear itself; who faced down fascism and liberated a continent from tyranny.And we’re the party of a young President who asked what we could do for our country, and the challenged us to do it.
More...and question for Obama supporters below:
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Hillary Clinton's campaign tonight announced their fund-raising since Super Tuesday has topped $10 million from more than 100,000 donors.
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The votes aren't fully counted, but it's pretty clear that as expected, Barack Obama will win big today in Washington State, Nebraska and Louisiana. Hillary Clinton's campaign as released the following statement:
(Shorter version: We're concentrating on Ohio and Texas.)
Tonight there are contests in three states that the Obama campaign has long predicted they would win by large margins. According to a spreadsheet that was obtained by Bloomberg News, the Obama campaign predicted big victories in Washington State, Nebraska and Louisiana.
The Obama campaign has dramatically outspent our campaign in these three states, saturating the airwaves with 30 and 60 second ads. The Obama campaign has spent $300,000 more in Louisiana on television ads, $190,000 more in Nebraska and $175,000 more in Washington. [More...]
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Interesting perspective today in the Toronto Star on the Obama wave:
It's the rumble of a political movement, a Barack Obama wave, building in the distance, about to break in a tsunami of inspiration, a torrent representing a clean break from old ways and a new chapter in American history. It is a national chant of "Yes We Can" swamping Hillary Clinton.But the Obama wave breaks just short of the shore every time it appears ready to wash away everything in its wake.
For all the fervour of the arena rallies, the rapt thousands who hang on the senator's every word and call back to him with religious zeal, the wave has not crashed with all the ferocity bottled up in those venues.
What may be preventing the wave from cresting: the working class, women and 11th hour voters: [More...]
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Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will compete in three states today and one tomorrow. Today's states are:
- Louisiana (primary -- Obama heavily favored to win due to the large, 32% African-American vote)
- Washington State (caucus, but weird rules, as they have a primary next week. Only the caucus votes count.) The New York Times says this is the race to watch today. Hillary has the support of the both the states' Senators, while Obama has the support of the Governor. All three are female.
- Nebraska (caucus, Obama favored to win.)
On Sunday, Maine holds caucuses. Hillary is expected to do well there, even though caucuses usually favor Obama.
The total at stake: 161 delegates in Washington, Louisiana, Nebraska and the Virgin Islands and 24 delegates in Maine.
An Obama sweep today does not mean Hillary is out of the race -- her campaign is expecting a big Obama win and concentrating instead on the big states of Ohio and Texas which vote in early March. [More]
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Via a reader in the comments who just received this e-mail:
On Thursday's "Tucker" on MSNBC, David Shuster, who was serving as guest-host of the program, made a comment about Chelsea Clinton and the Clinton campaign that was irresponsible and inappropriate. Shuster, who apologized this morning on MSNBC and will again this evening, has been suspended from appearing on all NBC News broadcasts, other than to make his apology. He has also extended an apology to the Clinton family. NBC News takes these matters seriously, and offers our sincere regrets to the Clintons for the remarks.
Steve Capus
NBC News President
Update: Comments now closed here, new thread on topic is here.
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Mark Penn, in a conference call tonight (audio here) says Hillary has raised $7.4 million online since the polls closed on Super Tuesday from 40,000 plus contributors.
Matt Stoller at Open Left writes about the phenomemal support, and says it comes mostly from suburban women. I don't know if that's true, I can't find a link. The last campaign contribution link I looked out which was updated 1/31/08 showed more campaign contributions to Hillary from men than women. (I've lost the link and can't find it now. It said something about gender being determined as closely as possible from FEC information.) But I agree with Matt on this:
It's remarkable, because it is converting voters and supporters into activists and donors, only it's probably not the creative class anymore. Clinton, like Dean, became an underdog, a real underdog, with more public support than Village support, and her public directly responded over the internet to close this gap.
In other words, the Obama campaign has had a strategy of cultivating online donors and activists, they know how to do it, and they are very good at it. The Clinton campaign has not done any of this particularly well because it hasn't been their strategy. And somehow, they are at rough parity over the last 48 hours.
Curiously, Obama's site is not broadcasting dollars raised, only the number of donations. Its goal is 500,000 donors by March 4.
Bottom line: There's a lot of Democrats giving money this election cycle. They want their White House back and they're willing to shell out to get it.
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The New York Times has posted California's distribution of delegates from the Super Tuesday primary.
- Hillary 207
- Obama 163
NBC's Keith Olbermann and Dan Abrams tonight said Obama has a total of 861 delegates while Hillary has 855.
The New York Times says Hillary is ahead with 904 to Obama's 724.
That's a big discrepancy between NBC and the Times. Several of the states Obama won haven't yet awarded delegates according to the Times which may account for Obama's low total number. But, Hillary still has more from the Times than from NBC. Anyone know why?
As to how the Times counts delegates:
Many news organizations include delegate projections in their counts that are based on nonbinding votes for candidate preference, such as the Iowa caucuses. The New York Times counts only delegates that have been officially selected and are bound by their preferences.
To make things even more confusing, here's the San Jose Mercury News saying Hillary has 1000 to Obama's 902.
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